So the week of love has not long passed with the over commercialised valentines day at its peak, every couple we know planning things and going places and yet we stand here not knowing quite what to do or where to go.
Granted the week before we had some rough arguments which were starting to scrape the limits of our relationship. After taking time to calm down and talk civilised we agreed that maybe what we need was some time together, away from the house, maybe to an extent away from Tyler.
As we hadn't really been out other than when we've had to since Tyler was born and when Andrea was heavily pregnant, a sense of confusion and the feeling of being lost struck us. It almost seemed reminiscent of the first proper night out you have once you've hit 18, the feeling of I've got the whole wide world available at my feet... So where do I go?
After talking the idea over with my parents they agreed that it was the space away from every day life is probably what we needed and were more than willing to look after Tyler, to the point that when we mentioned the idea my mum pounced on him with joy and wouldn't put him down!
So valentines day was upon us and as we were getting ready to leave there was an uneasy feeling over the both of us, as this was the first time we'd both left Tyler to have some 'us' time. It felt kind of selfish, yet I was curious to see if and how our feelings would change once we were out... Andrea, not so much.
As soon as we left the house I know she started to feel regret and started to miss him a lot and that feeling stayed with her for a good hour or so. I also missed him, but wanted to give this 'us time' theory a chance. We had chosen to have a nice quiet few drinks, candle lit table and what seemed like a fishbowl full of cream, ice cream and chocolate cake!
We gradually settled in to the night and really started to enjoy it. It also gave us a chance to talk properly and really open up about some of our feelings about things in life. In all I'd say the 'us time' theory was a complete success! Since valentines day we've got on a hell of a lot better, we've been able to talk and help each other a lot more.
Tyler is starting to get more ratty as the days go by, were playing around with different ideas of why this is. He seems to have quite a bit of wind which he seems uncomfortable shifting, so one thought is that the colic is on its way back, so for this we have started giving him infacol again and the odd bit of gripe water on his dummy every now and then. The other we thing it may half be down to boredom, as he tends to be very smily, playful and less ratty when we are playing with him. Just with me working from home and Andrea trying to help around the house it's hard for us to constantly be playing with him.
If anyone else is or has had a similar experience I'd love to hear how you coped.
My little project is moving in leaps and bounds and the closer we get to Fathers Day (June 17th) the more that will be revealed.
Thank you for joining me again this week and continuing my journey with me. I hope you join me again next week.
hello, glad you enjoyed us time,you should do it once a month to be people not parents it wont harm both have to find some thing to keep him occupied whilst doing work is he ok while he can see some one or ratty because of no attention.babies are very clever at getting their own way.